How to increase stamina?

How to increase stamina?

There are many running tips, but not so many to increase endurance. We will tell you how to get it. In the following article, we get to know about How to increase stamina? So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it’s going to be very useful for you guys.

Running tips can not only refer to technique. Also, to the resistance. Many of you have heard coaches talk about improving V02max. This is nothing more than the maximum oxygen volume that we can have, that is, the respiratory capacity.

The aerobic activities have a great repairman and immunological component against risk factors for health in today’s society and an improvement on a psychic level. Therefore, let us also look for them to improve our cardiovascular physical condition within healthy parameters and then, depending on the case, improve sports performance.

How to increase Stamina?

The idea of resistance can be used in multiple ways: in this case, we are interested in its meaning in the world of physical activity, such as the ability to tolerate, endure, or develop exertion over an extended period to increase stamina. Therefore, aerobic endurance implies the knowledge of our body to resist activities that require physical effort without tiring for a while. But this capacity varies depending on the conditions of our body, our state of form and our experience in this field, and we will use cardiovascular training to improve it to increase stamina.

In this sense, an athlete’s level of physical fitness can be measured by the volume of oxygen consumed during exercise at maximum capacity to increase stamina. V02max is the maximum amount of oxygen in millilitres for each kilogram of body weight (ml-min-kg) that an individual can use in one minute. Those who are fitter tend to have higher V02max values ​​and can exercise at a higher intensity than those who are not as well-conditioned.

Running tips: aerobic endurance

Oxygen consumption

It limits our resistance. If we have little oxygen consumption, we will not be able to increase it. Therefore the ability of our cardiovascular system to supply enough oxygen will be essential for aerobic endurance. Consequently, we must bear in mind that breathing while running is significant to have it under control.

  • An upright position prevents us from pressing on the diaphragm, responsible for “pumping” the respiratory system.
  • Inhale oxygen through your nose and exhale carbon dioxide through your mouth.
  • Take long and abdominal breaths.

Progression Principle

In everything related to physical activity, we must go progressively, increasing intensities until we are optimal to carry out the related activity with the most significant guarantees. In this case, it is the same. We must train to improve little by little, increasing the intensity of the workouts and exercises to meet small objectives of distances, times and rhythms. An excellent way to start is to try a 10-kilometre run.

Before talking about tips for running, it is advisable to perform the Cooper Test to know what our consumption of V02max is and have some actual data of our state. This endurance test is based on travelling the most significant distance in 12 minutes at a constant speed. The value obtained is helpful as it allows a straightforward assessment of the athlete’s condition, an approximate idea of ​​the times he could perform at various distances, and an estimate of the volume of oxygen consumed. The result should not be interpreted as determining since it is also usually affected by multiple variables such as the athlete’s motivation and the choice of an appropriate career step for the test duration.

Polarize workouts

Now it is very fashionable to talk about the polarization of training, that is, to create training microcycles where we alternate a high-intensity workout with a low-intensity one. This can help us improve endurance capacity, as long as we take into account two factors: having fulfilled the two previous points and creating training routines that are consistent with each other. It is about achieving improvements in:

  • Increased cardiac volume.
  • Strengthen the supply of oxygen.
  • Improve lung capacity.
  • Strengthen the muscles involved in the respiratory movement.

We will use soft shooting workouts and intense shots of less time, and we will alternate with the famous series. These last specific training sessions will have to be adapted. To the distance, we are running or the distance we are aiming for.


The variety is the taste, and for this reason. It is more than advisable to mix aerobic workouts. Not only because of their intensity but also in the type of exercise. That said, I recommend swimming or cycling. Sessions improve the aerobic level, thus eliminating the impacts of running since they require greater oxygen consumption.

Running tips: weekly planning

  • MONDAY: 40′ of low-intensity race
  • TUESDAY: Lower Body Strength-Endurance Workout in the gym + 15′ of high intensity running
  • WEDNESDAY: Break
  • THURSDAY: Work of short, discontinuous series of high intensity = actual high power + low-intensity swimming.
  • FRIDAY: Lower Body Strength-Endurance Workout at the gym + specific low-intensity water apnea work.
  • SATURDAY: One hour of moderate-intensity cycling + core training.
  • SUNDAY: One hour of mountain running with slight unevenness and moderate-low intensity.

This planning is for a person with no type of physical pathology profile. With an acceptable physical level, she performs half marathons on asphalt. This week corresponds to the end of the season training period. If you want to prepare for the half marathon, consult a physical activity professional about your training schedule. And don’t forget to stretch!

Also read: how much weight can you lose in a week