Why Django might be the right solution for your site


As a rule, if you entrust a developer with creating a website for your company, the specialist chooses the optimal technology on his own. However, if you want to understand modern IT trends, at least in general terms, this article may be useful for you.

What is Django? For which projects it is ideal, and for which it is categorically not suitable

This framework has been steadily gaining popularity in the last couple of years. 14.65% of developers around the world prefer Django. Almost all leading web resource companies already have many successful websites built with Django in their portfolio. This development mechanism cannot be called universal, but it seems explicitly created for specific sites and web applications in many cases.

Since Django is a Python framework; first you need to say what tasks this programming language is best suited for solving, which powers more than a million sites on the World Wide Web:

  • Marketplaces, landing pages, and other resources for eCommerce;
  • Web resources that involve processing large amounts of data: for example, ordering air and/or railway tickets, booking hotel suites, planning complex routes with transfers, and changing modes of transport;
  • cloud storage;
  • Online converters;
  • Online editors – both highly specialized and general;
  • Online assistants;
  • Task automation;
  • Portals for online games;
  • Applications using computer vision: recognition of faces, texts, x-rays, etc.;
  • Mood analyser: for example, analyzing the mood of a web store customer based on their feedback;
  • A web spider that collects information from other sites and systematizes it: for example, analysis of prices, goods, and services on competitor sites;
  • Large corporate projects;
  • Streaming sites

Among the most famous sites written in Python are:

  • Google
  • Dropbox
  • Netflix
  • Instagram
  • Spotify
  • Uber
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • Mozilla
  • Quora

As seen from the list, this software solution ensures high performance and reliability when working with large volumes of information.

All of these projects use the Django framework. In particular, it allows you: 

  • to unify similar and repetitive actions (for example, authenticating on a site, filling out certain forms, etc.), 
  • improve the quality and speed of processing search queries, 
  • synchronize resources between different devices and platforms, 
  • organize simultaneous work of remote commands, 

and perform many other tasks.

To get an idea of how Django does its job, look at Google, YouTube, or Instagram and see how smooth they are. Now think that all these millions of requests per second are processed, interpreted, and distributed through this framework.

The architecture of Django allows very quickly, in comparison with other similar solutions, to implement such complex multi-level tasks in a new project.

Another area of application for Django is startups (in particular, from the FinTech field) and the creation of minimum viable products for convincingly presenting an idea in the process of finding investors.

At the same time, it’s essential to remember that Django’s power may be overkill for smaller projects. In addition, if you are thinking about scaling your project and related structure changes, for example, a profound reorganization of an administrative panel, you should notify the developer in advance. Perhaps, in this case, he will choose a different software solution.

Summing up this brief overview, it should be said that the absolute advantages of Django are:

  • Highly effective SEO;
  • Support for multilingual versions while maintaining high search-friendliness;
  • The ability to quickly expand the range of tasks because of the wide assortment of additional libraries and the unification of processes;
  • Convenient visual management of complex business processes.

What is the advantage of Django over other frameworks?

Django’s internals allows you to build any project based on it, just like a Lego building. The analogy is very accurate because the architecture of this framework will enable you to expand your project and add new features to it by simply adding new blocks from an extensive library. The universal logic of managing these processes is set at the very beginning, and in the future, it merely integrates new techniques into the overall structure.

Thus, the creation of even a unique site can be significantly accelerated. Since the process management logic is implemented in this software solution quite transparently, developers can spend most of their time on the best design selection and comprehensive UI/UX testing of your web resource or application interface.

Since the basis of Django is the Python programming language, originally designed to work with Big Data, this framework allows you to simultaneously handle many databases with different structures. This feature makes it irreplaceable, for example, when creating a resource that involves working with the workflow of a large enterprise.

Another significant advantage of Django is the high security of projects created with it. Protection against complex hacker attacks is built into its architecture from the very beginning.

At the same time, let’s emphasize once again: if your web resource does not involve such complex work, the wide range of Django’s capabilities will not be used. For example, we are talking about a site for a small store with a relatively small assortment and a narrow and specific target group. In that case, you will not need the rich functionality of Django. However, if experienced professionals are developing your web resource, they are unlikely to choose this framework for such a purpose.

Summing up

Django – a framework designed specifically for creating websites and web applications, has many undeniable advantages. Moreover, its benefits are relevant not only for developers but also for those who will subsequently run projects based on this software solution. In particular, marketers, content managers, analysts, and heads of large companies will appreciate it. 

If you have some knowledge of IT or are planning to start learning programming languages, then surely Django deserves your closest attention. It’s not for nothing that so many developers around the world appreciate the potential of this framework so highly.

At the same time, right because of the functionality’s power and richness, Django can hardly be called a universal tool and recommended to everyone without exception. However, experts with a broad understanding of the capabilities of various programming languages, libraries, and development environments will undoubtedly offer you precisely the approach that will be optimal for your tasks and needs.