A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Put Air in Tires

How To Put Air In Tires

How to put air in tires? You can rapidly and effectively fill up your vehicle’s tires utilizing a home or service station machine. Make a point to keep a tire pressure measure close by for a more exact fill. Keeping your tires filled to the right strain will help safeguard against tire blowout, which happens when there is a fast drop in tire pressure. Appropriate tire filling will likewise augment your gas mileage and make for more effective driving.

How to put air in tires – Check Tire Pressure

To check the tire’s pressure, you need to have a Pressure Gauge. You can buy these at any auto shop as well as online and there are many types of gauges on the market, if you have a pencil-type or a dial type, check below to know how to use them

  • The pencil type is long, thin, and metallic, about the size of a pencil. It contains a graduated sliding expansion that is constrained out of the sleeve via pneumatic stress when connected to the tire stem.
  • The dial-type has a comparable fitting to the pencil type, however, it incorporates a graduated check and needle.

Now, let us talk about how you can check the pressure:

Find the little elastic or metal valve stem along within edge of your wheel, and unscrew it to uncover the air valve. Press the open finish of the strain checks very high valve. Hold it there, consistently and solidly, and tune in for a light hurrying sound as the measure peruses the strain from the power of the air. After a couple of seconds, pull the check away from the tire and read the strain from the little screen on the gadget.

Now, how to know how much air you need in your tyre:

  • Counsel your vehicle’s manual or your driver-side doorpost for the suggested tire pressures. The name will have a suggested tire psi or kpa (kilopascal) number.
  • In the event that your tire is by and large level, it might have a hole. Take a stab at adding air to the tire and check whether it holds air. On the off chance that the tire holds air, drive on if for a brief time and reverify the tire pressure. On the off chance that the strain drops, the tire has a sluggish break and ought to be taken to a tire store to have the hole fixed. On the off chance that you can hear air getting away while adding air, the time has come to introduce the extra tire. On the off chance that more than one tire has smothered, you might have to call a tow truck.

How to put air in tires – Instructions

Eliminate the valve stem covers. You’ll need to screw these back on later, so set them aside or put them into your pocket. Consider leaving each stem cap on its valve until you are going to siphon that tire – along these lines, the covers will invest the vast majority of their energy perfectly located, and you will not need to stress such a great amount over losing them.

  • Find a vacuum apparatus. Programmed air blowers are more costly, yet all at once a lot quicker. You can utilize a manual floor siphon, similar to a bike siphon, however, it will take significantly longer and it’ll be substantially more work concentrated. 
  • You can purchase your own pneumatic machine, or find a companion who possesses one – yet on the off chance that not, most corner stores have a stand of coin-worked air and water siphons.
  • Ensure that your tires are cold. This implies that first thing toward the beginning of the day or you’ve travelled under 2 miles (3.2 km) on them since they went level. In the event that you’ve travelled in excess of a mile or two, your strain check readings will be wrong.

How to put air in tires – Related Keywords

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How to put air in tires – Pump Air

Connect the siphon. In the event that you are at a service station, turn on the siphon by taking care of the machine the essential measure of coins. You ought to hear a boisterous thundering and murmuring clamour when the siphon is running. Stretch the air hose around to your nearest tire (or to the tire needing filling) and press the tip of the siphon to the tip of the air valve. Hold it there, immovably and consistently, and pay attention to the surge of air as the siphon fills the tire.

  • Show restraint. Assuming your tires are falling short on pressure, it might take you a few minutes of persistent siphoning to fill each tire. If you’ve filled your tires inside the beyond a couple of months, and you’re simply finishing them off, the interaction could endure just 10-20 seconds. 
  • Consider utilizing a hand siphon for these little top-offs in the event that you are careful about burning through cash on a full coin-worked machine.
  • Check the tension as you go, and change depending on the situation. At the point when you imagine that you’ve added sufficient air, pull the hose away and utilize your tension check to peruse the strain. 
  • Once more, most tires ought to be 30-35 psi – yet really take a look at the determinations for your vehicle certainly. Add air assuming that the perusing is lower than it ought to be, and discharge air assuming the perusing is higher than it ought to be. At the point when you’ve arrived at the legitimate strain, you’re finished adding air to the tire.

How Do You Put Air In Tires Using a Compressor?

If you have an air compressor at home and want to use it to put air in your vehicle’s tires, here are the steps you need to follow: 

Step 1 – Remove the valve cap and place it in a secure location.

Step 2 – Connect your air compressor’s nozzle with the valve. Keep in mind that you will need a tire chuck in order to connect the compressor to the valve properly. 

Step 3 – Keep the compressor at a proper level. 

Step 4 – Once you have correctly connected the compressor with the valve, press gently on the tip. You will begin to hear the sound of air entering the tire. If it seems like the air leaks, ensure that the connection between the compressor’s nozzle and the valve is perfect. 

Step 5 – Utilize a gauge to check the air pressure. Keep filling the air until you reach the recommended pressure determined by the gauge. 

Step 6 – When you are done, screw back the valve cap properly. 

How Do You Put Air In The Spare Tire?

A spare tire is your best friend during an emergency. If you have one in the trunk or under your car, but it is flat, and you want to put air in it, don’t worry. Follow the steps given below to fill the air in your spare tire:

Step 1 – Firstly, remove the spare tire from your vehicle.

Step 2 – Now remove the valve cap and keep it in a safe place.

Step 3 – Attach the nozzle of the air compressor to the valve stem and press it firmly. You will hear the sound of air entering the tire. If it sounds like the air isn’t going directly into the tire, try again to attach the nozzle to the valve stem. 

If you do not have an air compressor at home available at the moment, drive to the nearby gas station and utilize their air compressor. They will likely charge a nominal fee for it.

Step 4 –  Use the tire pressure gauge to know your vehicle’s tire pressure. If it hasn’t reached the recommended pressure, keep filling the air until it reaches that point. 

Step 5 – Now, screw back the cap of the valve.

That’s it. You have successfully filled your spare tire with the air. Use it if needed right now; otherwise, keep it back in your vehicle. 

Is It Good To Fill Car’s Tires WIth Nitrogen?

Filling your car’s tires using nitrogen has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the main ones that will help you determine if it is beneficial to use nitrogen or not. 


  • Fuel Efficiency –  When tires are low on the air, they have to work harder, which eventually results in using more fuel. But, if you fill the tires with nitrogen, they work properly and provide users with better fuel efficiency.
  • Increases Tires Overall Life – Tires filled with nitrogen do not lose pressure quickly, which helps them last longer.
  • Stabilized Pressure Of Tire – Another benefit you will notice when filling tires with nitrogen is stabilized tire pressure. That’s because nitrogen can’t escape from the tire easily, which contributes to the stabilized pressure of the tires. 
  • Cause No Harm To Environment – Tires filled with nitrogen use less fuel, make the tires last longer, reduce emissions, and enhance fuel efficiency, which ultimately aids our environment to be greener.


  • Limited Availability – Nitrogen is not available in all the areas. Hence, due to its limited availability, it may become slightly difficult to maintain the pressure of the tire in the long term. 
  • Might Be Expensive – Nitrogen gas tends to be more expensive than regular gas. And, some shop owners may even ask for an extra charge to fill nitrogen in your tires.
  • Demands Regular Maintenance – To ensure that the tire’s pressure always remains optimal, you will need to maintain it regularly. Also, even though nitrogen doesn’t escape from tires easily, there are still some chances that it may begin to leak from the valve stem or other small leaks. 
  • Limited Benefits – In general, nitrogen serves heavy-duty vehicles better as they require consistent tire pressure and consume high fuel. When it comes to regular driving, sure, the nitrogen enhances the tire’s functionality, but the benefits might not be that much noticeable for the regular driver.


So, that was a complete guide on how to put air in tires. It might seem like a tedious task, but, in reality, it’s not. You simply need the essential tools like tire pressure gauge, an air compressor, etc., and follow the step-by-step guide that we provided above to fill the air in your vehicle’s tire.

Lastly, just make sure that you use a gauge to check if the tire pressure is accurate or not, as riding with an inadequate amount of air in tires can be risky.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why is it important to regularly check and maintain proper tire pressure?

Ans: Maintaining proper tire pressure is crucial for optimal vehicle performance, fuel efficiency, and overall safety. Underinflated or overinflated tires can lead to reduced traction, uneven tire wear, and increased risk of accidents.

Q2: How do I know the correct tire pressure for my vehicle?

Ans: The recommended tire pressure is usually specified in the vehicle owner’s manual or on a placard located in the driver’s side door jamb. You can also find this information on the tire itself.

Q3: What equipment do I need to put air in my tires?

Ans: You’ll need a tire pressure gauge to check the current pressure and an air compressor or a manual pump to add air. Many gas stations also provide air pumps that are easy to use.

Q4: When is the best time to check tire pressure?

Ans: It’s recommended to check tire pressure when the tires are cold, as the readings can be affected by driving. Ideally, check them in the morning before driving or after the vehicle has been stationary for a few hours.

Q5: How often should I put air in my tires?

Ans: Regularly check your tire pressure at least once a month and before long trips. Tire pressure can fluctuate due to temperature changes, so it’s essential to maintain proper inflation.